Range of Light settið:


inniheldur 48 nýjar tegundir af blómadropum.


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inniheldur 48 nýjar tegundir af blómadropum.

Inniheldur eftirfarandi blómadropa:

Almond Alpine Aster Blazing Star CA Peony
CA Valerian Cassiope Cherry Chocolate Lily
Columbine Corn Lily Desert Lily Downy Avens
Dune Primrose Explorer’s Gentian Fiesta Flower Fireweed
Glassy Hyacinth Green Bells of Ireland Green Cross Gentian Green Nicotiana
Green Rein Orchid Green Rose Hawthorn Hyssop
Joshua Tree Lady’s Mantle Lemon Lewisia
Lilac Lungwort Lupine Madrone
Monkshood Mtn. Forget-Me-Not Ocotillo Pedicularis
Pussy Paws Redbud Red Larkspur Red Penstemon
Redwood Rue Scarlet Frittilary Shasta Lily
Sierra Primrose Splendid Mariposa Lily Spreading Phlox Tall Mt. Larkspur

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